Tuesday, July 1, 2014

cute overload!

I had no choice but to give this cutie a bath today. She was turning yellow, oops. Of course, she wasn't pleased with it at all. Sage would hold still and let me bathe her. Apple Mint always try to escape. 

Wet guinea pigs are so cute! I had to wrap her up pretty quick, so that she wouldn't get a cold. Sorry that towel keeps you from seeing the cuteness but can't have a sick guinea pig : / 

But she looks pretty grumpy, doesn't she? 

Monday, June 30, 2014

favorite bible verse and hubby's birthday

I was challenged by my aunt on Instagram to share my favorite Bible verse. I know I've shared this with you before, but one more time wouldn't hurt. 

I find so much joy in being kind, and I try to remember to thank Jesus everyday for His. 

Also, a happy birthday to this hunk!! We had a nice steak dinner and a celebratory  esspresso cheesecake. It was really nice.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cake, cake, and more cake

Ta-da! I made a few more cakes, and they're all pretty cute. As you can see, I had polymer clay pieces to them. I ordered the marshmallow twists, chocolate bars, and strawberries from Delish Beads. The mini cookies and cinnamon roll I got from Hobby Lobby, and they're Mayberry Streets Minitiatures "Sweet Treats".

My chocolate cake got a chocolate/vanilla marshmallow twist, a dark chocolate piece, and a gingerbread cookie. The strawberry cake was decorated with a strawberry/vanilla twist, two strawberries, and a strawberry chocolate piece.

My yellow cake with chocolate swirl, chocolate icing, and vanilla drizzle recieved two blue/yellow twists, a yellow cookie with red sprinkles, and a marble chocolate piece (I accidently got white paint on it, so this is how I'm going to cover it up, ha). 

I was going to make a red velvet cake, and I guess it can still be considered that even with the pieces on top and chocolate drizzle. The toppings are a chocolate/vanilla twist, a milk chocolate piece, a gingerbread cookie, and creme-filled chocolate cookie, a cinnamon roll, and a dark chocolate piece. Maybe this can be called the diabetes cake? 

Finally, I have a green tea cake with orange icing, strawberry swirl, and vanilla drizzle. It's topped with five strawberries and an orange cookie with a single red sprinkle. 

I had tons of fun making these little guys. My last step that I'll probably do is wrap them will cellophane and tie the tops to make cute wrapped treats. It'll give another cutsie factor and protect them from dust. 

I hope you had fun following along! I know my posts must have seem repetitive this week. I'm pretty sure I'm done making foam foods since my hands are missing crotchet needles and soft yarn. 

Until the next the creation! Have a wonderful day : )

Sunday, June 15, 2014

my love for Sundays...

I had a fun Saturday with my family. It was so nice to see their beautiful faces! They left this morning, and I'm proud to say no tears were present. 

Since we were already late to church, Brian and I decided to go antique shopping instead. Of course, I'm the one who bought stuff 😅 a new teacup, a cross stich piece that has flowers and "January" at the bottom, and a ceramic pumpkin for fall. Then we ate lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Delicious! 

Now, we're lounging around. I'm so thankful God has blessed me with a perfect little family 😊 I just love Sundays.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

When God calls you to be with Him, you get up...

Hello all! I'm currently experiencing insomnia, and all I can think about is the sermon by Chris Bogstad, our youth pastor. Like most sermons from the elders of Bible Church, it was extremely good. I can't help but feel something more about it than just "good" though. Once again, it's sticking with me, and I should just share it. Here it goes.

Bogstad decided to make today's message about busyness focusing on the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10: 38-42. For background and content purposes, let's do a short overview of what happens.

Jesus travels to a village where there are two women, Martha and Mary. Martha gets the honor of having THE Jesus Christ in her home. Remember, this is the man who has performed so many wonderful miracles as well as teaches these amazing things, and His name causes a stir. Martha has a lot on her plate to serve this man especially in a culture (and it's still true to today) where hospitality is important and is one of the key services a woman performs.

So, there's Martha bustling around to gather all the preparations and serving. Luke 10:40 says that she was much distracted. Of course, she must have felt a lot of pressure along with anxiety.

Then there's Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus perfectly content just listening and soaking every word up. This is a weird scene. Normally, the women weren't sitting with the men learning. Mary typically would have been running around with Martha. In Mark's version, we find out that she even took an expensive oil to use on Jesus' feet, an act of worship.

Finally, Martha has enough of it. She approaches Jesus and accuses Him of not caring that she does all the work. Then she commands the Lord to make Mary get up and help her. Bogstad comments that this must have made the room go silent and VERY awkward.

Jesus rebukes Martha, and I agree with Bogstad that it wasn't a soft, gentle correction. He uses her name twice. Not to mention, she was very distracted to begin with, and it probably wasn't easy to grab her attention. I could imagine Jesus getting slightly loud and urgent with Martha.

He told her that she was worried and troubled about things,  yet only one thing was needed. Mary had chosen the good thing, which was Jesus.

I won't share all my notes, but I will share the bits that keep standing out in my mind.

Jesus doesn't always want us to act on our culture but to focus on him.

Martha was concerned with the principle of hospitality, which her culture put high expectations on. In our culture, working hard and bringing in the big bucks is a great deal of importance.

I kept thinking of when I got my second job with Dunkin Donuts that I had actually considered getting a third job to take up the hours I'd get off there and wasn't going straight to Hobby Lobby. Of course, Brian discouraged me from that. There just wasn't enough time for me to do that.

I wanted us to be ahead though! I wanted to get things done and paid in a fashion that I'd prefer. I'm sure you see the problem in this.

The more time I focused on the money I was making and the goals I had the more I wasn't focusing or depending on God. He wasn't my main priority. I thought He still was, but I was mistaken.

Even now with a full time position, I have to be careful. I want to be a great worker and to be able to do all that my higher-ups need from me, but I cannot sacrifice my relationship with God.

There should be care for things to get done but not anxiety.

I relate this to bills, pet care, and housework. I have always been a person who loves to plan things minute by minute. When I was in school, the night before class I planned in my head over and over how I was going to wake up and get ready.

First, I'll turn off my alarm. Then I'll grab my towels. Wait, will I want to make my bed first? No, no, go take a shower first. I'll wash my hair for sure...will I need to shave? Well, what will I be wearing? Pants? Okay, no shaving. 

See the craziness? I go to that extent anymore, but I do plan my day. Get up, go to work, then the house-chore list. Getting all the housework done in a day is exhausting and impossible.

Only God can finish His list in a day. Yes, I want things to get done. Does it HAVE to be done by 4:00 PM (I get off at 3:30) tomorrow? No and I don't have to worry about it.

Why do I do what I do? 

Oh, this question...Why do I put up with all this junk at work? All these mean customers? Why do I come home and clean all these stupid messes ALL the time? Why do we have to get up at 7:30 in the morning for bible study classes? Why, why, why. 

Well, it is a part of the burden I carry. I do have to work, but I work for God. I get up and face the world for God. I clean and serve my household for God. I go to the bible study for God.

It is a burden, but it's for a glorious reason.

Our primary assignment is to be a disciple of God. Am I being faithful to what God wants me to do? 

I must value my relationship with God above all else. My work and servitude must reflect that.

I just looked at my time, and I have to be up in about five hours. The moments to reflect on God's word are worth the cost of sleep. I hope I didn't bore you with my sleep deprived ramblings. Sweet dreams!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guard Flowers

"Guard Flowers"
Written by Reggie Deputy 

Pink, white, yellow, purple, and green.
Memories of my most cherished moments out to be seen.
I gaze up upon them fondly and proudly.
Remembering the young girl who wanted them so badly.
Each flower representing all the sweat, tears, and stubbed fingers.
Their petals counting how many times we felt like winners. 
Our small collection of bouquets together make the garden we all share.
Our bond that was forever strong and nothing could make it tear.
Pink, white, yellow, purple, and green.
The colors of my joy out to be seen. 

I wrote this poem on August 5th, 2012, at ten in the evening. By the way, I don't have that great of a memory. I made a note of it at the end of the page. I thought about it, and remembering how proud I was of it I decided to share it. 

I'm sure many of you already know that I did winterguard/colorguard from eighth grade and all through high school. It was the best thing about high school for me. Period. It made me confident, taught me the value of hard work, allowed me to be strong yet beautiful, it expressed my artistic side, and I had something to look forward to each day. 

At the end of each season, my instructor always had a little bouquet of fake flowers for each of us. They were always the color of either our costumes or our flags for that show. I still have every flower I've ever gotten (fun fact: For my sophomore colorguard show, we got wooden yellow roses with our bouquets. So cool! ) I look at them fondly from time to time just taking in what they represent and the stories I'll have to tell my young 'uns. 

I hope you enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ready for more poetry?

I wanted to write another poem, but I was having such a hard time. Then Brian said to write something that was going on in my life right now, and then words turned into sentences that soon turned into this poem. I'm excited to share part of my journey here in Arkansas, but I also regret not being talented enough to put more understanding verses. You'll see plenty of places where the meaning is vague. This journey as been complicated and hard for me to wrap my head around. It is already frustrating trying to solve a raging battle within  yourself let alone putting it into words. I hope you enjoy reading anyway. 

A Journey God Inspired 
By Yours Truly 

I never dreamed this was where I'd be.
Away from familiar faces, friends, and family.
I had my own ideas of what my life out to consist of,
But never would they compare to God's plan, one full of love.
I used to fantasize about a place where You and I would grow close.
You sent me to a flat place where ice storms reign, flash floods rush, and the tornado blows.
I had to start over without my usual comforts and securities
Clinging only to my Bible and the man you gave me to the best of my abilities.
Much was my confusion and many were my tears,
But all I could do was trust and hand You all my fears.
My spirit was dead and anguished
Until all at once You opened my eyes, heart, and soul that were dry and famished.
I remembered my prayers to get away and learn how to live with abandon.
How to get by with only You as my provider, teacher, and companion.
I never thought Id face these trials of marriage so soon and so quick to say, "I'm done",
But You gave me wisdom and helped me to overcome.
You fitted me into a church that as helped me grow,
And to people I could run to when my spiritual level was on low.
And as much as I'd like to see all my loved ones and the mountains that are deeply engraved in memory,
I'd rather stay put and see all the plans You've made for me.

I'm literally blushing as I prepare myself to post this. I know you guys would never make fun of me, but it's still embarrassing to put your feelings out there for everyone to see. This is how moving on with your life feels like though. It's not all the time, and I don't believe it'll feel this complicated forever. It is hard, but I know it'll be rewarding. 

I did take that walk! It was last night instead of Sunday night but still nice. I'm excited to blog about it : ) See ya then! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Husband's a Superhero

Hey everyone! I hated leaving my blog to get dusty and lacking updates. As suspected, working Dunkin Donuts was extremely tiring and took up all my blogging energy. That won't be a problem anymore since I *drum roll*...got full-time with Hobby Lobby! I am officially a crafts department head along with the beautiful, sweet Miss Jann.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted crafts because I always saw people, who were moved to crafts, have a hard time especially with ordering. Also, the truck days seemed overwhelming in the craft department. This week will be my third week working in crafts, and neither one of those problems have been horrible. I love ordering my half of the book, and truck days are fun because everyone works together determined to get things done but still laughing/talking the entire time.

It's still tons of work, and this Sunday is very much needed. I'm actually pretty sick, and I started feeling it yesterday morning. It wasn't too bad then, but the runny nose and constant sore throat were relentless when I attempted sleep last night.

Many thanks to my super-sweet husband (yes, he deserves to lose the just "dude" title) because he has just been awesome taking care of me. I woke up to see him already up, taking care of the dog, gone grocery shopping, with plans to make breakfast and then homemade chicken soup for dinner. He also forced me to take medicine that would make me sleep most of the day, which I wasn't too thrilled about. It was such a beautiful day that I didn't want to spend it in bed, but I do feel slightly better.

I just feel very thankful that I got to experience all this on a relaxing, beautiful day of rest.

Now, I'm sipping lemon water listening to Demi Lovato and writing to you ^_^. I might make the suggestion to go on a walk before it gets dark. Wouldn't that be a fun blog to write about and share pictures? We went on a walk to the wetlands boardwalk near downtown not too long ago, and it was so neat. We saw this small thing swimming incredibly fast in the water, and when we were able to catch up with it saw that it was a vole! I already have several future blogs thought up so get excited!

Let me know how you guys are doing! Thanks : )

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Get To Know Me Tag!

Hey, everybody! I decided to do this tag because it just looked like fun, and I wanted to post something today. I hope you enjoy learning a bit about me! I also tag YOU because I look forward to learning more about each and every one of you. 

What is your name?
Reggie Mary. For more random facts, my name was chosen because it was easy to pronounce for my parents as well as I was named after my mom, Regina. My parents just liked the name Mary, but my aunt and mamaw both say that they pushed for it to Marie because it was the name of both my great grandmothers on my dad's side. 

When were you born?

January 20th, 1994 

What is your hometown?

Jefferson City, TN. 

Where have you worked?

Little Caesars, Hobby Lobby, and Dunkin Donuts! 

Hair length, hair color, eye color?

I've never actually measured my hair, so we'll settle for medium length. My hair color is brown. My eyes are brown, but my dad likes to call them "root beer" colored. 

What is your best feature?

I had to ask Dude about this one, and he said I open and kind to everyone. 

What is your ethnicity?

Native American, German, and French. 

How tall are you?

5' 3''. That what I always say at least. 
Braces? Piercings? Tattoos?

Never had braces. I have two ear piercings both in my lobes. 
I sort of want a nose piercing, but I think I'm too chicken. 

Do you play any instruments?

I learned how to play French horn my freshman year. Freshman year we had spring competition in Washington, DC. In two songs, the French horns, which consisted of my friend and me, had solos. This was terrifying! I remember messing up really badly by starting my first note an octave too low, but one of the judges actually came on our bus after the competition and complimented the French horns saying they were the best he had ever heard. I played on more concert season after that but couldn't make it to another competition. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a vet pretty much all through school. At some point, I wanted to be an author as well. Of course, this changed when I actually went to college and worked towards an ASL interpretation career. I also considered linguistics because I did so well in my high school German class. 
Least / most favorite subject in school?

I wasn't a big fan of pre-cal or any math class. I loved my AP English class and band. 

Do you have any pets?

If you've read my previous blogs, you know the answer to this already. If not, I have three pets currently.

Have you been out of the country before?

Nope. I would love to visit many, many, many places. 

Favorite movies?

Eat Pray Love. 
Princess Bride. 
Beauty and the Beast. 
James and the Giant Peach.
Horton Hears a Who.
TMNT: The Secret of the Ooze. 
Pride and Prejudice. 
The Help

Favorite TV shows?
"Too Cute"
"Adventure Time" 
"Yu Yu Hakusho" was a favorite for a long time. 
"Grey's Anatomy"
"Top Gear" 

Favorite book?

Wuthering Heights 
Artichoke's Heart
Elizabeth Gail Series
Shiver Trilogy 
The Great Gatsby
Tess of the D'ubervilles 
The Whisperer 
There's probably more to list, but I'll stop here. 

Favorite color?

Favorite animal?

I can't choose just one!!

Guinea pigs. 

Favorite perfume?
Sweet Pea. 

Favorite drink?

Coca-cola, sadly. 

Favorite holiday?

I love all holidays, but I think I really enjoy Easter. I love the time of year, the bright colors, the fun memories I have, and the beauty of what it represents. 

Favorite store?

Rue21. This is my go-to store. I can always find something here. 

Favorite restaurant?

El Sazon's back home, of course. Copeland's in Arkansas. 

Favorite place to go?

The mall...and to bed. 

Favorite song?

"Never Gonna Steal my Joy" by Mandisa. 

Mac or PC?


Facebook or Twitter?

Neither. So dramatic. 

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Wars. I'm biased, though, since my dad loves Star Wars

What kind of phone do you have?

iPhone 5.

How are you currently feeling?

What are you currently eating?


What are you currently thinking about?

This survey and church tomorrow. 

What are you currently wearing?

Jeans and a over-sized orange UT t-shirt. 

Single or taken?

Taken <3 and="" ever.="" font="" forever="" nbsp="">

Do you want to have kids?

Yes. Like bad. It's an addiction (and a healthy one at that). 

Do you believe in God?

More now than I ever had before. Praise Him. 

What is your life motto?

"Be kind to one another , tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself." Proverbs 11:17

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." Colossians 3:12. 

In other words, be kind to others. 

What is your favorite thing to do?
Artsy stuff when I can get inspiration. 

What do you think of your husband?

Handsome. Goofy. Sweet. Talkative. Strong. Snuggly. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Why hello there, stranger.

Hello everybody! I feel like an update is way overdue. I do apologize because it seems like my days consist of working or sleeping, and that leaves very little time for me to come up with something to blog about these days.

I'm going to start off with some sad news. Last Tuesday my guinea pig, Clary Sage, died. It took me completely by surprise, and I just wasn't quite ready for it. It was also one of those moments where I instantly knew what had happened, yet I didn't quite believe it at first.

To explain better of what I mean here's a list of things that stood out to me.

1. My guinea pigs never share the igloo. One takes it over and shoos the other off. When I went to check on them, they both were occupying the igloo.

2. Only Apple Mint responded to the crinkling of the food bag. She started oinking and ventured out of the igloo while Sage clearly did nothing.

3. She didn't respond when I called her name.

It was at this point that I knew, but I still had to lift up the igloo to see for myself before I could accept it. I was actually really scared that it'd look like how my first guinea pig died, which was Basil lying on her side all sprawled out and scary looking. Fortunately, Sage was curled up and very relaxed looking.

Despite this positive outcome, I burst into a tears.

At the same time, I felt like God was answering a need. It was really hard keeping enough food for both guinea pigs, and it was hard trying to maintain care for them both after a 14 hour day at work. I knew before this happened that things would be so easy if the guinea pigs weren't in the picture, and now I'm minus one.

Overall, it was just such a bittersweet moment with the relief mixed in with much sorrow. Clary Sage was my favorite, and she was the sweetest little girl as far as guinea pigs go.

There was a void I felt for a few days like something just wasn't right. I asked Dude if he felt the same thing, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Sage wasn't just a pet. She was family, and the lack of her presence was unsettling. I'm okay now, but it's still sad to think about.

Thank you, Jodi, for commenting on the previous blog and checking up on me.

Other than losing Sage and working, I haven't really done much else...Cleaning! I have done a lot of cleaning.

I am looking forward to decorating the living room now that we've officially decided to stay another year in our apartment. I'm actually beginning to like this little home of ours in its entirety. I'm even starting to like my kitchen, and instead of thinking it has "small" or "cramped" I'm using words like "cozy" and "quaint". This is good news!

My initial feelings towards a lot of things have been changing to more positive outlooks, and I believe that God is changing something in my heart. I can't quite explain it all, but I feel that I'm understanding the word "humble" better. Not only am I understanding but also loving/embracing the concept of living humbly. Also just being happy! My goodness is it a challenge to just be happy camper.

I would've never thought of myself as unhappy before, but I notice such a different in myself now. It's fascinating. If anymore light is shed on this matter, I'll be sure to share it with all of you.

Well, I appreciate all the comments and the support shown for me and this blog. Hopefully, I can update more often as well as finding inspiration for writing. Thank you and God bless.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Meet the Family!

Hi again! As promised, I am doing a post about my darlings! I already know that I'm going to have way too much fun with this. I'm going to start with the pets I've had the longest and end with the newest family member.

Meet Clary Sage! 

I met Clary Sage at the Jefferson County Humane Society the spring of my junior year. I was volunteering at the animal shelter with my best friend, so I was used to meeting little, fuzzy babies. Of course, being a guinea pig she stole my heart along with her cage mate, Cinnamon.

Their names were originally Jupiter and Lulu, and their owner gave them up because she claimed to be allergic. That may be true, but Cinnamon was already a year and Clary Sage a few months old. To me that seems like a long time to have animals that you're allergic to, but everyone has their reasons. I'm no animal rights judge. 

As you can see in the picture, Clary Sage is all black and she has tuffs of hair that look like mow hawks all over her body called rosettes. She's considered to be an Abyssinian/Abyssinian satin. Cinnamon was a smooth, long hair with a mixture of white, brindle brown, and a lighter orange-brown.  He was considered an American/American satin breed. 

When I first brought them home, I was only supposed to be only fostering them until I found them permanent homes. Eventually, both my parents would visit them, pet them, and found themselves loving them as much as I did. Soon they told me I could keep them both. I was so happy!

If you haven't already figured out, Cinnamon was a boy and Clary Sage is a girl. For obvious reasons, I had to keep them separated. My dad had built this wooden crate some time before this, so I took it and took a piece of an old cage and drilled it in the middle of the crate. This way they were separated, but could still visit each other. Some time passed, and we all began to notice Sage's belly getting much rounder.

Yeah, she was pregnant. I was so excited for actual babies, but I knew I couldn't keep them all. I also had no idea how many pups she'd have. How would I find a home for 6 or even 12 pups? A guinea pig's gestation period is two months. I waited quite impatiently, but during this time I had put Cinnamon and Clary Sage in their own cages. Clary Sage stayed with me in my room, so I could keep an eye on her. 

Guinea pigs can have complications when giving birth, so I just wanted to make sure she and her babies were safe. I didn't need to worry though because I woke up one morning for school, peeked in her cage, and found three fuzzy babies! 

Pups are born with their eyes open, teeth grown, ready to eat solid food, and legs working almost instantly. They're really just miniature guinea pigs. Two of them were a brindle brown color that they got from their dad, and the third was a calico. All of them had the rosettes like Clary Sage. I named the twins Ginger and Oregano, and the calico was named Cilantro. 

By the way, the spice names started after my first guinea pig, Basil. It just seemed too cute of an idea to pass up. 

When the babies were old enough, I hurried to find them homes. Unfortunately, I was only able to find a home for Cilantro. Ginger and Oregano had to go the local pet store. Normally, I wouldn't support doing this, but the pet store was in high demand of guinea pigs. When I talked to the manager, he informed me that all the guinea pigs he currently had were all sold and just awaiting for their new owners to pick them up. 

When I went to drop them off, I noticed that all the other guinea pigs were kinda plain and some even ugly. My babies were gorgeous, and the manager as well as his associate agreed. I knew they'd find homes instantly. I refused to take money, so he offered to give me guinea pig feed for payment. He ended up giving me more because of how pretty and healthy my babies were. 

During all this, I also noticed something wrong with my sweet Cinnamon (he was the only guinea pig I've met that would lick you). He constantly bit at his back causing bleeding and scabs. He also kept having seizures, which were so scary. I took him to the vet to find out that he had a severe case of mites. After two or three visits, some medicine, and much money spent he became a healthy guinea pig again.

Sadly, Cinnamon did pass away a few months later. He was really young since guinea pigs have a life span a minimum of  4 years. 

That was Clary Sage's back story. She's so sweet and loves getting her chin rubbed. She's also very curious. When I first met her, I left my hand in the cage and looked away for a quick moment. Then I felt a tug on my fingernail, and it was her just checking me out, ha. I love her so much! 

Meet her sister, Apple Mint! 

After Cinnamon died and the babies were gone, I felt bad for Clary Sage. Guinea pigs are very social and normally live in big groups. 

The animal shelter didn't have any guinea pigs, so I went back to the local pet store to pick out a sister for Clary Sage. I found this little cutie, who is also an Abyssinian/Abyssinian satin. When I first sat her next to Sage, I was shocked about how small she really was. I was almost afraid Sage would hurt her, but like the sweetie she is Sage was gentle and welcoming. 

Apple Mint is my feisty baby. If I take her out, she wants to run and explore. If I pet the top of her head, she shoves me off. She does love a good cuddle every once in a while though. 

Okay, here is my warning for buying from pet stores; if you get a female, she will be pregnant. 

Yes, Apple Mint was pregnant. At such a young age for a guinea pig too! I separated Sage and Apple Mint when I was expecting her to pop, so that Apple Mint wouldn't have to be anxious about having another bigger guinea pig around. 

My best friend had spent the night with me, but she had to get up early for work the next morning. When she got up, she looked in the cage and yelled, "Reggie, babies"! I got right up, and there were four absolutely adorable babies. 

One had mainly a dark orange with some white here and there and what looked like black eyebrows. Her fur had rosettes, and her nose was pink. I named her Pumpkin Spice since it was November when she and her siblings were born. 

Another girl was completely white aside from a marking on the top of her head. She also had rosettes and a pink nose. Her name was Garlic. 

The last sister had a solid brown face then the rest of her was white with light orange. Once again, we had rosettes but a brown nose. Her name was Peppermint. 

The little boy was white with brindle brown markings. Like all his sisters he had rosettes, and he had a brown nose. His name was Cloves. 

All three sisters went to a lady that my sister worked with. She had three children, and they each got to have a guinea pig. I was so happy with this outcome! 

My little boy was a Christmas gift from Santa for my aunt Leslie's nieces, Abby and Josie. They actually renamed him Chili, which was just perfect. He ended up being a little mean being fond of biting (sometimes even drawing blood), and he was super protective of his food, which I found the same thing with Cinnamon. 

Clary Sage and Apple Mint were reunited and love sleeping, playing with their igloo, and munching on celery together. 

 Now for my favorite Christmas present of 2012. Emi the chiweenie. 

Emi's parents were Precious the black dachshund and Jake the blonde chihuahua, which were my sister's dogs. She had four brothers and sisters. 

Mamaw and Dude worked together to get me this precious puppy around the beginning of December. I was working in the floral department after closing at Hobby Lobby when my co-manager called me to the front. I thought I was in trouble when he told me to go check a register. 

I rounded the counter to see my mamaw and husband crouched down. At first I was really confused until I saw Dude pull a puppy out of his jacket. I was ecstatic. I jumped, screamed, awwed, cried, everything. I snatched up the little puppy, and she seemed almost glad for it. 

I chose the name Emi after one of my favorite writers, Emily Bronte. My family likes to say, "Emi, Emi, Emi," really fast in a high pitched tone. She responds very well to it. 

Her favorite words are treat, outside, and toy. Her least favorite phrase is, "Go to bed". As soon as she hears it she'll roll over on her back and give me the sad eyes. Sad eyes are indeed her specialty. She also loves all animals and barking at all humans/sounds. She lives true to her dachshund nature. 

She loves to kiss, which is my fault. I enable her. When I do Pilates, she likes to be right in my face to lick me the entire time or sit on me when I'm doing something while lying down. 

She does have her annoying tendencies, but Emi is still my baby. 

And our newest member, Fitz!

Isn't he handsome? We adopted Fitz from the Animal Village of Little Rock. He was free due to a special they were having, and he was neutered with all his shots updated. We also discovered he's declawed. We didn't have time for a kitten, so we were so happy that Fitz turned out to be two years old. God truly blessed us with the perfect cat. 

Like Emi, we named Fitz after an author. In this case, we chose F. Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, who doesn't like The Great Gatsby? To me, he's an unique cat that deserved a fitting name. 

He's usually really chill. His favorite places to hang out are underneath living room window, in the hallway, underneath the bed, and wherever I happen to be when I'm home. Actually, it took him no time at all to become attached to us. He's so loving!

It doesn't matter where you decide to pet him. He loves it all. I don't know many cats that like their bellies scratched, but he doesn't mind. If you're not touching him though, he'll tell you. He is very vocal. 

He does play every now and then. I've gotten him to attack yarn, and a few times he was determined to catch my shadow. He's also wrestled with Dude before, which is how we found out he doesn't have claws. 

When it comes to the other pets, Fitz is usually just laid back. He hasn't seemed interested in the guinea pigs at all. In the beginning, he didn't care for Emi either. Now, they have a forever game of tag going on. Fitz will sit on the ottoman, Emi comes up to nose him, he swats her playfully, she noses him again, and they continue with that for a good bit. 

Fitz isn't without quirks though. He loves to open up cabinets. When I first witnessed him skillfully using his paw to open a cabinet, I was appalled. I had never seen a cat do that. He just likes to do a little peek then he's on his way. I think he's checking for mice or monsters to keep us safe. 

He also loves q-tips. I have to put of the q-tip box now or else he'd eat them all. The cute thing about it is that he doesn't just eat them anywhere. He takes them to his food bowl, which is where I always find the remnants. I love that he doesn't leave too many messes for me. I told my friend not too long ago that he's a q-tip thief gentleman.

Overall, Fitz is just a great addition to our awesome family. 

There you have it! All my babies : ) I hope you enjoyed reading about them. Do you have any babies of your own? Let's hear about them! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Little Shame at Dunkin Donuts

Hey, everyone! As most of you already know, today was my first day at Dunkin Donuts! It went well, I think. Like any other first day it was a little awkward meeting coworkers because I always feel like they're thinking, "Oh great..the new girl", or ,"Ah...fresh meat". Still, everyone I met was nice and willing to work with me. For the majority of the morning, I watched training videos. The training program was rather cute and interactive. There were videos, games, and quizzes. It does sound cheesy, but I guess it did help a lot.

The last thirty minutes of my shifts, which was only three hours, consisted of me doing coffee. Dun dun duuun. Knowing how to do coffee correctly is critical apparently. I was a little overwhelmed when watching the videos on how to mark the coffee cups and prepare the drinks, so when I actually had to do it I was shaking. I think I did well though!

I did have to make an pumpkin iced coffee, and when I went to squirt the flavoring into the cup the first huge squirt completely missed the cup and landed on the bottom of my apron and pants. The manager just looked at me like she didn't even know what to say, and I was so embarrassed. I mean really? I thought I was going to make it out of there with clean pants, so I wouldn't have to wash them and risk messing up the hem tape Dude had to put in!

Other than that mishap everything else went smoothly. I quickly saw when the busiest and slower hours were. Next shift I'll actually be helping with making coffee the whole time. I'd rather do that than watch more training videos, which I have tons more to go through.

When I got home, I actually was productive. I talked to Mamaw a bit, which was nice. We talked about so much that I'm not sure what we even talked about anymore, ha. She's so cute too. After that I cleaned one of the bathrooms because the cat just loves to throw his litter all over the place. At least he's fond of his litter box though, right? THEN I took a nap that was supposed to be only thirty minutes long but ended up being two hours long. I don't think it'll interfere with sleeping tonight especially since I did some Pilates not too long ago.

Now, all I have to do is wait for Dude to come home and eat dinner. We're having this huge mushrooms that are stuffed with sauce (I think?), cheese, and olives. They were premade at Krogers, and Dude just thought they were the tastiest looking things ever. Tonight will be nice.

That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for next time because I decided to do an in depth description of all my animals and their unique personalities. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Late Birthday Present!

Happy Friday, everybody!

I actually woke up this morning to the doorbell. I knew it was the UPS man, so I shot out of bed not wanting him to leave with the package I was expecting (I already missed him the day before). Obviously I was still in my sleep clothes, so I grabbed the only thing I could cover myself with since I don't have a robe. That would be the towel I've been using for my hair. I didn't even take the time to check my face and hair. After signing for the package, I looked in the kitchen mirror and saw that my hair was disarrayed, and that I had raccoon eyes because I hadn't removed my eye makeup. It was pretty embarrassing.

I soon didn't care! My birthday present from my best friend had arrived! I wanted to share this particular moment with you because it is special, and I wanted to express my love for getting mail now. I've never received so much mail before! It's so exciting.

Anyway, I sat on my bed with the camera ready and opened my packaged.

First, it was in this adorable bag.

I opened it, and it was exactly what I wanted. Demi Lovato's CD Unbroken. A sweet card went along with it. If you can't read the envelope, it says "bestest friend".

The card says, "People don't hate us because we're beautiful...they hate us because we're effing awesome".

The note inside was so sweet, and I'd rather keep that treasure to myself. I don't know if my friend intended for me to share with everyone. If you end up reading it anyway from the picture, it doesn't really bother me. I'm just not going to type out the whole thing.

I immediately called my dear best friend, and it was so nice to hear her voice and to know what she was up to. We've been friends since 7th grade but really got close our sophomore year. She was the first person I could be 100% myself, who understood my sense of humor, a person who could always make me smile/laugh, and a friend that I have never grown tired of being with. My husband is my soul-mate, but she is my person (a Grey's Anatomy reference for those of you who don't know).

Thank you again, Amanda! It was such a great way to start my day.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Sunday

Hello! I hope everyone has had a wonderful, restful Sunday. I must share that my Sunday was pretty much, dare I say, perfect. Dude and I went to bed quite early last night, so getting up this morning wasn't a chore at all. It was refreshing! We both had nice and hot showers and made it out to church right on schedule.

Today at church Pastor Tim Senn finished up Matthew 7 discussing the parable of the two houses. Everything leading up to this point was fresh, wise, new, and very helpful in examining myself to find out what moves my belief and what I have been building it up on. My own works or the glorious works of Jesus Christ? This last part had two points.

1. The Parable

In short terms, you have two believers. Both do the same great works such as praise the Lord, attend work, and even possibly perform miracles in God's name. There is a difference though. One's belief is genuine in all that he does not just in front of others. The other in truth lives his life in lawlessness, and when he looks at his own sins doesn't take it upon himself to try and change them.

The wise man digs in the sand to find a solid foundation. He digs within himself to see what must be changed then starts to build upon his belief. The foolish man looks at the sand and says, "This looks sturdy enough", and builds right away.

Then when the storm comes the winds are great and powerful. The house built on rock is safe from its wrath, but the house on the sand cannot withstand thus it falls. And great was its fall (Matthew 7:27).

2. The preacher

Jesus was warning his followers about self deception throughout Matthew 7. In the end, His preaching astonished His listeners. Why? It had the King's authority all throughout it. In this, Jesus says, "I am the the way to salvation", and that He will be our judge.

Pastor Senn didn't get to finish this point today and will return to it next Sunday. I wish I had thought to share all the way through Matthew 7, but I'm sure that anyone who was interested could read through and get the message with some studying and open heart.

After church,  I relented and let Dude get pizza for lunch. He's been asking for it all week, so why deny it from him any longer? We ended up getting a medium pepperoni pizza from Domino's fairly cheap. I will admit it was quite good.

Then I took an hour nap while Brian went to ride his bike along the river walk in Burns Park. The weather today was so beautiful. It was in the high fifties/low sixties. I really should have enjoyed the outdoors, but a nap sounded so much better.

The rest of the days activities consisted of making pork congee, which is just rice and water cooked until it's like a porridge, doing some Pilates challenges, and just basic chilling. Now, it's completely dark out. Usually, Dude and I like to go somewhere either to look at something just for the sake of it or to just drive around with some music blasting. The things that brought us together like God, music, and just interests in really weird things are really humorous when I step back and look at them. Relationships can be so weird and quirky. But lovely.

Have a blessed night!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Metamorphosis Poem

Written by Reggie 

I decided for a change. 
                   A caterpillar eats and grows, so that it may transform
                   Into a butterfly, its wings so beautifully adorn.
                   It’s such a sight that its creator must be proud
                   Of His imagination so extravagantly profound.

          I too desire for His most worthy of attention.

                    In order to obtain, I must take my daily bread of the living gospel
                   I too must grow in spirit and become like an apostle.
                   I strive to praise Him, who is most high,
                   And to truly be the brightest apple in his eye.

          For this is my word from here on out,

                   That I never forget my Glory, Glory, and God Almighty.
                   Never again will I take this world’s evil lightly.
                   In order to please my Lord and through Him be glorious,

                  This is my metamorphosis.

The end except it's really the beginning of something great. This poem is one of the very few things I've written that means something to me. It's pretty special. I feel like it represents all the things I didn't know how to do before like bowing down to make God greater. I've reached recognition that as a human being it is my sole purpose is to worship God. There is no way I could feel content without praise and worship for my creator. It's in my design. How could I ignore that any longer? 

I encourage you to dig deep down inside and find something that is special to you about your relationship with God then write something down about it. It doesn't have to rhyme or even be poetic. It just has to be genuine. Something that will make you smile when you happen upon it in the future. 

Seriously, try it! And have a blessed night ; ) 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello! As the title suggests, this posts is all about the beginning to a series of, hopefully, some great things to come. I'll be quite honest that this may be quite boring with its introduction, reasoning as to why I decided to blog, and what I'll be blogging about. Please, just bear with me. 

For starters, my name is Reggie. And yes, I am a girl. I think I'll leave it at that, and let everything else be revealed in later posts. I like to pretend that I'm a wonder to be beheld and sought after, haha. 

Now, why have I started this blog? There's actually two good reasons! 

1. I have always loved writing. In junior high, I was in a really bad place due to my home life being a little chaotic, and writing was my escape. Looking back on it, none of it was happy or positive, but it was raw and real. Writing had become my means of understanding my emotions and actually having a way to express them in a comfortable manner. I'm older now, and God took away the chaos. Writing had slipped away...until just recently. Miraculously, I had written two poems just last week! The fire has sparked once more. 

2. Another secret about myself to reveal...I do live very far from my friends and family. I miss them very much especially being able to talk about my day on a regular basis (I just love to talk in general). I actually follow several people on YouTube who vlog (video blogging), and I thought it would be a great idea to start writing a blog so everyone knows what I'm up to whether it be my joys, my frustrations, my projects, my lack there of, everything! 

Finally, the best part. What will I try writing about specifically? I don't want to be too strict on this because I truly just want to write what's on my heart at the moment, but I do want to share my "creations". Being all alone has sparked not only writing but cooking, crocheting, scrap booking projects, and DIY decor around the apartment. I'll try to make it spicy and fun. 

Well, this actually took all the writing capacity I had for the night. I hope you're as excited about this as I am. God bless you and have a great night!