Monday, February 3, 2014

A Little Shame at Dunkin Donuts

Hey, everyone! As most of you already know, today was my first day at Dunkin Donuts! It went well, I think. Like any other first day it was a little awkward meeting coworkers because I always feel like they're thinking, "Oh great..the new girl", or ,"Ah...fresh meat". Still, everyone I met was nice and willing to work with me. For the majority of the morning, I watched training videos. The training program was rather cute and interactive. There were videos, games, and quizzes. It does sound cheesy, but I guess it did help a lot.

The last thirty minutes of my shifts, which was only three hours, consisted of me doing coffee. Dun dun duuun. Knowing how to do coffee correctly is critical apparently. I was a little overwhelmed when watching the videos on how to mark the coffee cups and prepare the drinks, so when I actually had to do it I was shaking. I think I did well though!

I did have to make an pumpkin iced coffee, and when I went to squirt the flavoring into the cup the first huge squirt completely missed the cup and landed on the bottom of my apron and pants. The manager just looked at me like she didn't even know what to say, and I was so embarrassed. I mean really? I thought I was going to make it out of there with clean pants, so I wouldn't have to wash them and risk messing up the hem tape Dude had to put in!

Other than that mishap everything else went smoothly. I quickly saw when the busiest and slower hours were. Next shift I'll actually be helping with making coffee the whole time. I'd rather do that than watch more training videos, which I have tons more to go through.

When I got home, I actually was productive. I talked to Mamaw a bit, which was nice. We talked about so much that I'm not sure what we even talked about anymore, ha. She's so cute too. After that I cleaned one of the bathrooms because the cat just loves to throw his litter all over the place. At least he's fond of his litter box though, right? THEN I took a nap that was supposed to be only thirty minutes long but ended up being two hours long. I don't think it'll interfere with sleeping tonight especially since I did some Pilates not too long ago.

Now, all I have to do is wait for Dude to come home and eat dinner. We're having this huge mushrooms that are stuffed with sauce (I think?), cheese, and olives. They were premade at Krogers, and Dude just thought they were the tastiest looking things ever. Tonight will be nice.

That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for next time because I decided to do an in depth description of all my animals and their unique personalities. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. glad the day went would not have an official FIRST day without having a mishap of some sort...and at least the mess got on you and not the floor!!!
    and if Dude used the real hem tape it should hold...if he used scotch tape... you may have a sticky problem that needs to be re-done...
    You have an enjoyable evening and relax...

