Friday, January 31, 2014

Late Birthday Present!

Happy Friday, everybody!

I actually woke up this morning to the doorbell. I knew it was the UPS man, so I shot out of bed not wanting him to leave with the package I was expecting (I already missed him the day before). Obviously I was still in my sleep clothes, so I grabbed the only thing I could cover myself with since I don't have a robe. That would be the towel I've been using for my hair. I didn't even take the time to check my face and hair. After signing for the package, I looked in the kitchen mirror and saw that my hair was disarrayed, and that I had raccoon eyes because I hadn't removed my eye makeup. It was pretty embarrassing.

I soon didn't care! My birthday present from my best friend had arrived! I wanted to share this particular moment with you because it is special, and I wanted to express my love for getting mail now. I've never received so much mail before! It's so exciting.

Anyway, I sat on my bed with the camera ready and opened my packaged.

First, it was in this adorable bag.

I opened it, and it was exactly what I wanted. Demi Lovato's CD Unbroken. A sweet card went along with it. If you can't read the envelope, it says "bestest friend".

The card says, "People don't hate us because we're beautiful...they hate us because we're effing awesome".

The note inside was so sweet, and I'd rather keep that treasure to myself. I don't know if my friend intended for me to share with everyone. If you end up reading it anyway from the picture, it doesn't really bother me. I'm just not going to type out the whole thing.

I immediately called my dear best friend, and it was so nice to hear her voice and to know what she was up to. We've been friends since 7th grade but really got close our sophomore year. She was the first person I could be 100% myself, who understood my sense of humor, a person who could always make me smile/laugh, and a friend that I have never grown tired of being with. My husband is my soul-mate, but she is my person (a Grey's Anatomy reference for those of you who don't know).

Thank you again, Amanda! It was such a great way to start my day.

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