Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guard Flowers

"Guard Flowers"
Written by Reggie Deputy 

Pink, white, yellow, purple, and green.
Memories of my most cherished moments out to be seen.
I gaze up upon them fondly and proudly.
Remembering the young girl who wanted them so badly.
Each flower representing all the sweat, tears, and stubbed fingers.
Their petals counting how many times we felt like winners. 
Our small collection of bouquets together make the garden we all share.
Our bond that was forever strong and nothing could make it tear.
Pink, white, yellow, purple, and green.
The colors of my joy out to be seen. 

I wrote this poem on August 5th, 2012, at ten in the evening. By the way, I don't have that great of a memory. I made a note of it at the end of the page. I thought about it, and remembering how proud I was of it I decided to share it. 

I'm sure many of you already know that I did winterguard/colorguard from eighth grade and all through high school. It was the best thing about high school for me. Period. It made me confident, taught me the value of hard work, allowed me to be strong yet beautiful, it expressed my artistic side, and I had something to look forward to each day. 

At the end of each season, my instructor always had a little bouquet of fake flowers for each of us. They were always the color of either our costumes or our flags for that show. I still have every flower I've ever gotten (fun fact: For my sophomore colorguard show, we got wooden yellow roses with our bouquets. So cool! ) I look at them fondly from time to time just taking in what they represent and the stories I'll have to tell my young 'uns. 

I hope you enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ready for more poetry?

I wanted to write another poem, but I was having such a hard time. Then Brian said to write something that was going on in my life right now, and then words turned into sentences that soon turned into this poem. I'm excited to share part of my journey here in Arkansas, but I also regret not being talented enough to put more understanding verses. You'll see plenty of places where the meaning is vague. This journey as been complicated and hard for me to wrap my head around. It is already frustrating trying to solve a raging battle within  yourself let alone putting it into words. I hope you enjoy reading anyway. 

A Journey God Inspired 
By Yours Truly 

I never dreamed this was where I'd be.
Away from familiar faces, friends, and family.
I had my own ideas of what my life out to consist of,
But never would they compare to God's plan, one full of love.
I used to fantasize about a place where You and I would grow close.
You sent me to a flat place where ice storms reign, flash floods rush, and the tornado blows.
I had to start over without my usual comforts and securities
Clinging only to my Bible and the man you gave me to the best of my abilities.
Much was my confusion and many were my tears,
But all I could do was trust and hand You all my fears.
My spirit was dead and anguished
Until all at once You opened my eyes, heart, and soul that were dry and famished.
I remembered my prayers to get away and learn how to live with abandon.
How to get by with only You as my provider, teacher, and companion.
I never thought Id face these trials of marriage so soon and so quick to say, "I'm done",
But You gave me wisdom and helped me to overcome.
You fitted me into a church that as helped me grow,
And to people I could run to when my spiritual level was on low.
And as much as I'd like to see all my loved ones and the mountains that are deeply engraved in memory,
I'd rather stay put and see all the plans You've made for me.

I'm literally blushing as I prepare myself to post this. I know you guys would never make fun of me, but it's still embarrassing to put your feelings out there for everyone to see. This is how moving on with your life feels like though. It's not all the time, and I don't believe it'll feel this complicated forever. It is hard, but I know it'll be rewarding. 

I did take that walk! It was last night instead of Sunday night but still nice. I'm excited to blog about it : ) See ya then! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Husband's a Superhero

Hey everyone! I hated leaving my blog to get dusty and lacking updates. As suspected, working Dunkin Donuts was extremely tiring and took up all my blogging energy. That won't be a problem anymore since I *drum roll* full-time with Hobby Lobby! I am officially a crafts department head along with the beautiful, sweet Miss Jann.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted crafts because I always saw people, who were moved to crafts, have a hard time especially with ordering. Also, the truck days seemed overwhelming in the craft department. This week will be my third week working in crafts, and neither one of those problems have been horrible. I love ordering my half of the book, and truck days are fun because everyone works together determined to get things done but still laughing/talking the entire time.

It's still tons of work, and this Sunday is very much needed. I'm actually pretty sick, and I started feeling it yesterday morning. It wasn't too bad then, but the runny nose and constant sore throat were relentless when I attempted sleep last night.

Many thanks to my super-sweet husband (yes, he deserves to lose the just "dude" title) because he has just been awesome taking care of me. I woke up to see him already up, taking care of the dog, gone grocery shopping, with plans to make breakfast and then homemade chicken soup for dinner. He also forced me to take medicine that would make me sleep most of the day, which I wasn't too thrilled about. It was such a beautiful day that I didn't want to spend it in bed, but I do feel slightly better.

I just feel very thankful that I got to experience all this on a relaxing, beautiful day of rest.

Now, I'm sipping lemon water listening to Demi Lovato and writing to you ^_^. I might make the suggestion to go on a walk before it gets dark. Wouldn't that be a fun blog to write about and share pictures? We went on a walk to the wetlands boardwalk near downtown not too long ago, and it was so neat. We saw this small thing swimming incredibly fast in the water, and when we were able to catch up with it saw that it was a vole! I already have several future blogs thought up so get excited!

Let me know how you guys are doing! Thanks : )