Sunday, March 9, 2014

Why hello there, stranger.

Hello everybody! I feel like an update is way overdue. I do apologize because it seems like my days consist of working or sleeping, and that leaves very little time for me to come up with something to blog about these days.

I'm going to start off with some sad news. Last Tuesday my guinea pig, Clary Sage, died. It took me completely by surprise, and I just wasn't quite ready for it. It was also one of those moments where I instantly knew what had happened, yet I didn't quite believe it at first.

To explain better of what I mean here's a list of things that stood out to me.

1. My guinea pigs never share the igloo. One takes it over and shoos the other off. When I went to check on them, they both were occupying the igloo.

2. Only Apple Mint responded to the crinkling of the food bag. She started oinking and ventured out of the igloo while Sage clearly did nothing.

3. She didn't respond when I called her name.

It was at this point that I knew, but I still had to lift up the igloo to see for myself before I could accept it. I was actually really scared that it'd look like how my first guinea pig died, which was Basil lying on her side all sprawled out and scary looking. Fortunately, Sage was curled up and very relaxed looking.

Despite this positive outcome, I burst into a tears.

At the same time, I felt like God was answering a need. It was really hard keeping enough food for both guinea pigs, and it was hard trying to maintain care for them both after a 14 hour day at work. I knew before this happened that things would be so easy if the guinea pigs weren't in the picture, and now I'm minus one.

Overall, it was just such a bittersweet moment with the relief mixed in with much sorrow. Clary Sage was my favorite, and she was the sweetest little girl as far as guinea pigs go.

There was a void I felt for a few days like something just wasn't right. I asked Dude if he felt the same thing, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Sage wasn't just a pet. She was family, and the lack of her presence was unsettling. I'm okay now, but it's still sad to think about.

Thank you, Jodi, for commenting on the previous blog and checking up on me.

Other than losing Sage and working, I haven't really done much else...Cleaning! I have done a lot of cleaning.

I am looking forward to decorating the living room now that we've officially decided to stay another year in our apartment. I'm actually beginning to like this little home of ours in its entirety. I'm even starting to like my kitchen, and instead of thinking it has "small" or "cramped" I'm using words like "cozy" and "quaint". This is good news!

My initial feelings towards a lot of things have been changing to more positive outlooks, and I believe that God is changing something in my heart. I can't quite explain it all, but I feel that I'm understanding the word "humble" better. Not only am I understanding but also loving/embracing the concept of living humbly. Also just being happy! My goodness is it a challenge to just be happy camper.

I would've never thought of myself as unhappy before, but I notice such a different in myself now. It's fascinating. If anymore light is shed on this matter, I'll be sure to share it with all of you.

Well, I appreciate all the comments and the support shown for me and this blog. Hopefully, I can update more often as well as finding inspiration for writing. Thank you and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Reggie, I just read about your little Clary Sage, and I know how much your pets mean to you...
    sometimes when things happen for the best for us...we still have a little difficulty with the acceptance...but you sound like you are maturing a great deal and developing a very positive outlook on life and finding real happiness.
    God is answering our prayers for you and Dude in his protection of you both as you learn to deal with life together.
    We love you,
    Mimi and Papaw
